Friday, July 3, 2015

June 27-29

Monday, June 29
Grand Wall!!!!!
Hunter, Shy, Ian and I decided to climb the Grand Wall!!!!

The climb started on Apron Strings, a route which had required a lot of laybacking.
Shy on Apron Strings

This climb is the craziest climb I've ever done. As expected there is lots of crack climbing and slab on the route but also tree climbing and aide climbing
This is actually part of the Beta

The slab sections were mercifully bolted, but the exposure was still huge! the run out was insane.

After and awesome climb we celebrated by having food sold by the pound at Mag's 99 and another swim this time at Murrin Lake. There were craggs surround the lake.
I got exactly what I expected, quantity not quality

Sunday, June 28
Rest day. Hunter and I decided to take a rest day in preparation for a big climb we had planned for Monday. I found a bit of info on a 4x4 trail to Cheakamus Lake and we set of late in the morning.
The route we planned to take

Turns out the trail is pretty technical, even stranding a Tacoma. We had to take the bikes off the hitch at one point. A couple of kilometers in we realized the risk in pushing on was too high. Unfortunately I could not turn around as the trail was just too narrow. I could not reverse out as the hitch mount would dig in so I continued to push on until the trial widened a bit. I did a multiple point turn and we returned the way we came a bit defeated not reaching the lake.

As we returned to the Cheakamus camp site we ran into Harry, a friend of mine who worked with me at the outdoor center. He invited us to a barbecue later that afternoon.

At the barbecue we were roped into helping paint the host, Eric, paint his house, which we did not mind as we got free beer and burgers.
The only picture we have of the day is one of Eric's lamps suspended by a carabiner

Saturday, June 27
Saturday was a scorcher so we got an early start to climbing. Hunter and I were planning to do Birds of Prey while Shy and Daire were getting onto The Great Game. Hunter and I took the wrong trail head on the way and and got pretty lost. By the time we found the climb there was already a lineup so we jumped on The Great Game behind Shy and Daire.

We spend the afternoon at Cat Lake. We played on a log in the water

Post to come

June 30, 2015 A return Journey. Camping out with Hunter Joy and Shy, visiting Camp squeah with Joy, almost running out of gas and a hail storm

Skaha/Revy Trip
May 15
camping out in Revy, meeting in the morning EP crew, Jess, Jay ect... Camping out that night.
May 16
climbing with the crew
May 17
Climbing with Hunter, Tim and Chelsea in Begbie bluffs
May 18
Climbing with Hunter, Tim and Chelsea on WaterWorld

June 5 evening climb with Esteban on Amphitheatre in Heart Creek
June 6 Climbing in Guides Rock with Esteban.

Friday, June 26, 2015

June 18-26

Friday, June 26
Today we had another rest day. After walking around Squamish for a bit we went to Alice lake and hung out for the day.
Hunter and I tried finding a camping spot before heading to Alice lake.

Thursday, June 25
Hunter went bouldering with Steve, I went climbing with Daire
Daire and I did some cragging at the base of the chief. I got to lead a few climbs including Apron Strings, Exasperator and Rainy Dream Away.
Daire and I on Rainy Dream Away

Wednesday, June 24

Wednesday was a rest day. My friend Joy visited from Vancouver! I went with her to Smoke Bluffs. I threw down some top ropes at Crag X. I guess I was just having too much of a good time to take any pictures.

The rest of the day was just spent hanging out.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The next day we climbed the Buttress and Rock On with Shy and Allie.

Shy just being a bad ass

The view was breath taking.

Hunter and I traded leads while Shy did all the leading for her and Allie in front of us.
We had to put all our small gear together for this pitch, unfortunately we had some problems with passing gear back.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Ryan and Mary left this morning, but before they left Ryan treated Hunter and I at the Howe Sound Pub.
Group Shot!

Hunter and I went to Neat and Cool to do some really cool lines.
This is one of the Top 100 climbs. We both also got to lead the Neat and Cool classic.

After this we went to the Recreation Center to take a shower. They no longer have 2 dollar entries for the shower.
After playing some Foosball in the lobby of the rec centre we me up with Shy, our friend and boss at the Outdoor Centre, and her friend Allie.
View from Allie's House

In the evening we went back to Cheakamus campsite and met up with Steve who was doing some projecting. We joined in briefly.

Night projecting is the coolest looking thing in the world, but hard to photograph

Sunday, June 21, 2015
Today we took a relaxed day. The four of us climbed a multipitch called Sky Walker. It was an easy climb with a gorgeous view up top.

On our way up on SkyWalker. Serious line ups with a group right behind us.

Saturday June 20, 2015
Ryan and Mary got up extra early (still on Ontario time) to find Star Chek. It ended up being right around the corner from where we were before
Hunter lead up a pitch of Star Chek and snapped a photo

After this point the four of us went to the Smoke Bluffs. Hunter and I wanted to practice our trad climbing so we went to Krack Wall and Laughing Crack.

After a bit of cragging Ryan and Mary went to spend some time in the town. Hunter and I did the Smoke bluff connection in this time. It had the prettiest view of any climb on this trip to date.
One of the Pitches Wonderland. Seriously Cool

Hunter celebrating at the top of the smoke bluff connection.

Friday June 19, 2015
The next morning, we met up with Hunter’s friends Ryan and Mary.

Our campsite in Cheakamus

We did a bit of cragging in Cheakamus. While we were there a girl climbed a 5.13d route. It was very impressive.

Mary leading just under the roof where the girl climber did the 13d

Hunter, Ryan, Mary and I tried to do a multipitch called Star Chek today. We ended up getting lost and getting into a bit of a difficult situation. Rappelled down the wrong cliff to start. We ended up finding a set of bolts up a flake and decided to pull the rope down and climb up the flake.
A shot from not quite where we were supposed to be

Thursday June 18, 2015
On Thursday we got up in our campsite after sleeping in the car again. The weather was looking decent so we decided to go for a quick bike ride around the area. The trail we took up ended up being the down track, so we had to push the bikes a bit

A shot from our campsite at Begbie falls

After a ride we packed up the car and headed for Squamish. We arrived to a bit of rain, so we had dinner and set up camp.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Last night we drove to Revelstoke. Arrived in our usual campsite in Begbie falls in the evening with enough time to collect wood and cook a couple of patties for evening snack. On the way out we had pretty small sandwiches for dinner so the burgers were a welcome intake.
This was our lunch today, our snack last night was the same thing with one less patty

This morning we got up and cooked our breakfast of oatmeal and protein over a fire as well as our lunch. We headed out to Waterworld, a climb that is right outside Revelstoke. We met up with our friends Rauth and Jordan.
A ridiculous shot of Jordan(center), Rauth(right) and I

We headed over to Voyage wall, the middle wall at the top of Waterworld. The four of us made quick work of the rappel. On this wall there are 4 multi-pitch climbs, Hunter and I had completed Bon Voyage during our trip to Skaha, so we set out to do the other three.

The weather was pretty ideal, with the sun hiding under thing clouds most of the day, with enough making through to keep us at a cool temperature. At lunch we headed back to the cars which were right off the side of the highway. This was less than ideal.

After a day of achieving our goals Jordan and Rauth ate a quick dinner and headed back to Calgary, Hunter and I talked about heading out for Squamish. To get there at a reasonable time we would have to eat on the road. Our plan was to cook spaghetti (our first problem) and eat on the road. Which rushing to get our spaghetti I spilled half of it. To add to my frustration I burned the sauce. What should have taken us ten minutes ended up taking an hour as things just kept going wrong. We ran out of fuel, I ran out of flint for my lighter, dishes were taking longer than expected to clean ect.

Tired and hungry I decided to just eat the meal there. We are going to go back to our campsite tonight and decide when we head out tomorrow. It will be dependent on the weather.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Squamish Again!

I am going on another roadtrip to Squamish. This time with my buddy Hunter. Hunter is a friend of mine who works with my at the University of Calgary's Outdoor Centre as a climbing instructor.
A shot of Hunter and I in Barrier.

The road trip will be two weeks long, leaving tomorrow on June 16 and returning June 30. Currently the plan is to stop in Revelstoke for 4 days to climb or bike or raft, then on Saturday the 20th in the afternoon, head to Squamish.
A shot from the top of WaterWorld in Revelstoke

We will stay in Squamish until the 30th giving us about 8 days of climbing in Squamish. I plan to stop at Geoff's (my friend I met in Hope on my last roadtrip out west) for a visit on the way back! We might swap some time from Revelstoke to visit in Vancouver(I haven't discussed this with Hunter).
11hr straight shot to Squamish if you were wondering.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Good times in Revy

I don't remember the chronology of the rest of the trip and I can't find my journal entries. I stayed in Revelstoke until Friday. For the rest of the trip I stayed with Tommy. Climbed with lots of people including Tommy, Jay and his partner, Rachelle and Joe. Revelstoke was my first real exposure to the sport climbing culture. All the people I met considered themselves Revelstoke locals. I had dinner and partied with mostly the same group but there were others. I remember hanging out with a Rupert. I met one of Rachelle's friend I believe her name was Natalie. I believe I met her on the Friday before I left. It was raining and I ate a Nanaimo bar, I can't remember much but I remember this girl because she wanted to work for an NGO. She had aspirations and wanted to make a difference which is normal in Church circles but she stood out in the sport climbing community. I remember the Big Eddie Pub right by the one way bridge, it was pretty awesome to hang out there and there is a volleyball court.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I don't actually have a journal entries from Revelstoke, but I'll tell the stories as best I can from memory.

I arrived in the evening and the first thing I did was to find a campground. I visited the information centre and the girl there told me of a camp-site that she normally didn't share. It's tucked away on a logging road and is public use(therefore free).

This crappy screenshot doesn't tell how beautiful this camp-site by Beggbie falls is.
Right by the Creek.

I stayed here one night. In the morning I visited the Valhalla Pure, which had a list of people looking for partners to climb with. I met up with a girl named Corina to climb. I also met up with Tommy, who let me crash in his basement in Revy.